The Power of Groups
I believe that each of us are creative, resourceful and whole and when we come together we become more than we were.
Awaken the insight, inspiration and balance, you Already have.
The Power of Groups
I believe that each of us are creative, resourceful and whole and when we come together we become more than we were.
1:1 Coaching
Instagram: slolifecoach
1:1 Coaching starts with getting to know each other with a free Q&A and coaching interaction. Come as you are with any questions and an issue to process.
Workshops Work
Because when we come together to share our ideas, voice our concerns, and create a path through collaboration, we become more than we are individually.
Facilitation Increases Focus
An impartial facilitator sharpens a groups effectiveness, fostering consensus, and inspiring innovation.
Make better decisions
When we have a group of trusted peers, we are empowered to test our ideas with each other, learn about important alternatives, and explore resources. As a result, we make better, more confident decisions.
Experience personal and professional growth
We obtain input from invited experts and other group members. We commit to stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zones so we can become better at what we do personally and professionally.
Anticipate and
manage change
We must be prepared to respond to the constantly changing environment. We must also check our own assumptions about the way we have always done things to see how we can make our lives more effective and more balanced; it’s a way to stay up-to-date and relevant.